A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux
JITT64 (Java Ice Team Tracker) is a tool for creating music with the SID chip used into the Commodore 64.
This tracker is for making music without using low rastertime, but instead gives you a possibility to make very complex instrument definition. You have freedom in creating your music!
Each instruments (max 255) are based onto tables and one instrument can takes up to 2KB of data without sharing the definition with other instruments.
Not used features are removed when compiling the player to improve rastertime usage (it is possible to use undocumented opcode too).
Tunes | You can create up to 255 tunes |
Tracks | Pattern can be transposed of +/- 15 semitones One to 16 patterns can be repeated up to 17 times |
Patterns | There are 223 patterns to use Pattern can have a tempo of 3 up to 64 times Dimension of patterns go from 2 to 255 ticks There are 17 commands available Various input available (even MIDI) |
Instruments | You have 255 instruments to use Tables are not share with instruments but are indipendents (2KB of data) Various hard-restart of notes are availables |
Raster-time usage | Raster-time usage can vary from the option you abilitate: Average of a tune with more zeta pages option and compilation optimization: min=$1D, avg=$27, max=$60 Average of a tune with compilation optimization: min=$1C, avg=$28, max=$66 Maximum of a tune without optimization: mix=$29, avg=$36, max=$7E |
Activate the below webgl music player to listen to some example tunes:
JITT64 has various themes to use, so even the look can follow your stile!
Beta 1.05 has:
- Option: fix initialization of zero page vs useopcode
- Option: add command portamento over relative freq. of instrument behavior
- Option: use direct D404 output for Gate/Sustain Release command
- Option: use Matt Gray digi
- Option: use new track format
- Pattern: allow min time to 1 from 3
- Pattern: allow min dimension to 1 from 2
- Pattern: allow man dimension to 999 from 255 (with 255 previously it gives sound errors), but you could compile JITT64 to support up to all C64 memory
- Pattern: detune up/dn commands
- Pattern: can go to 252 instead of 222
- Track: allow man dimension to 999 from 255, but you could compile JITT64 to support up to all C64 memory. Now a repeat can be set only inside 255 interval and if you make it with tune that has more than 255 interval the restart point must be in a pattern to avoid instrument restart problem
- Track: real time playing now is Swing thread safe (optimal visualization)
- Track: new format with 252 pattern and transposition of -64..64 semitones
- Song: allow to import Music Assembler/Voicetracker tune even from PSID file
- Song: allow to import Music Mixer tune even from PSID file
- Song: allow to import ElectroSound tune from PSID file
- Song: allow to import Soundmaster tune from PSID file
- Instrument: fix rel note indipendence in instrument and render in table
- Player: fix gate off on last tick
- Player: fix simulate next pattern with rep command crash
- Player: activate command portamento over relative freq. of instrument behavior
- Player: activate use direct D404 output for Gate/Sustain Release command
- Player: support big pattern dimension (999)
- Player: support big track dimension (999)
- Player: support Matt Gray digi
- Player: support new track format
Beta version can be obtained from Discord channel: #JITT64
Current version is 1.04 that has actually those new features:
- Song: after loading a song stops a previous song being played
- Option: change Nimbus class as per Java package (now works again)
- Option: add equal temperament scale, normal scale (Zarlian) and Pythagorean scale with custom A4 frequency values
- Option: add flat look & feel
- Pattern: replace instrument in selection with current
- Player: accept a custom table of frequencies passed at runtime
- Player: optimize AD and SR instruments code if they are used in commom way
- Player: fix conditional compilation that skip all commands after 11
- Player: fix 0.5X speed CIA timer
- Packer: generate custom table of frequencies as per option
- Packer: fix missing optimization error for first command of pattern
Version 1.03 has:
- Instrument: add notes tool tips in piano roll
- Instrument: real-time compilation added for piano roll
- Instrument: piano roll accepts MIDI notes
- Instrument: add text field for creating/inserting values in popup menu without needs to open table definitions
- Instrument: add undo capability
- Instrument: add menu for importing Goattracker 2 instrument definitions
- Instrument: add menu for importing SidWizard instrument definitions
- Instrument: clear of tables now preserve usage
- Instrument: load of tables from file now preserve usage
- Instrument: save as table use right chooser now
- Instrument: relative notes are now not fixed
- Instrument: fix song packer for instrument so playroll is now right
- Pattern: accepts MIDI notes
- Pattern: add configuration panel with note and color for this pattern
- Pattern: add undo capability
- Track: add undo capability
- Track: border is colored with color set in pattern
- Song: add comments to songs (even for player)
- Song: remove compilation bugs due to allow of " char passed to compiler
- Song: after loading a song, the instrument panel is updated correctly
- Song: real-time view of tracks/patterns during the play of song
- Option: configure MIDI input/output devices
- Option: allow all patterns to scroll the same way
- Option: can set the number of undo action
- Option: can set if input text after popup of instrument should be erased after input action
- Option: add 468Hz A4 freq. table (Paul Hugles), 415Hz table (Prosonix Editor), 438Hz table (Goattracker1 Editor), 449Hz table (Ian Crabtree) and fix invalid 434Hz table.
- Option: can use undocument opcode in player
- Player: can have user comment
- Player: conditional compilation to remove commands in pattern not used
- Player: mute instrument execution at finish of song and during rest command
- Player: reduce rastertime by optimizing instructions
- Player: use a table for relative notes
- Packer: correctly create number of song in PSID
- Packer: PRG has the rastertime calculation and visualization during playback

Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- JITT64 1.04Jul 20, 2020
- JITT64 1.03Feb 02, 2019
- JITT64 1.02Jan 03, 2019
- JITT64 1.01Jan 03, 2019
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Looks very interesting. For people who are not very familiar with chip-music etc. it would be great if you had a few sound examples linked here, music that was created using the app. (personally I have permanently blocked utube, since their strike-conditioning-crap, so I'd prefer some other host, but that's just me). In theory it might be a 5 minute job to make a webgl music-player and upload it directly to itch.io, with the music to be presented.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your work.
Add a mp3 registration from the SID chip of 5 examples I produced with the tool with embeded player in the main page.
Here a shortcut: https://itch.io/embed-upload/10248536?color=111111
p.s. mp3 are 8,5MB so it needs some time to load for starting.
Sounds great! Despite the SID and contemporary sound chips were limited, it was the dawn of computers, and there was such a optimistic attitude about it, which was represented in that music, and is still to this day.